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Image by Neil Mark Thomas

Create Your Dream Life

Explore The Possibilities

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Meditation by the Sea

Envision the Life of Your Dreams Meditation

I have a gift for you! To help you relax and get clear on what you would love to create in your life. Feel into the energy of what you would love to be, do, have, and give.

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Are You Ready for Your Dreamlife?

I know that it is totally possible for you to design, create, and live the life of your dreams. I hold the space for you to heal, release, or integrate what has been getting in your way. Then we can nurture your dreams and power up your intentions!


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About Me

Have you been seeking your entire life knowing that there must be more? Yet you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for, no matter how hard you try? You feel you are living someone else’s life.


That was me. After overcoming a painful divorce, I rediscovered who I truly am. Through deep soul healing, I have created the life of my dreams.


Now it is my mission to assist spiritually seeking women reconnect to their own wisdom, power, and joy so they can create a life they love.


I have studied self-help and energy work for over thirty years. I am a Life Mastery Consultant/Dream Builder Coach, Life Transformed Advanced Coach, advanced practitioner of Energetic Allergy Healing, Sacred Soul Alignment, and CoCreating Miracles with Sacred Light. I am also certified in healing modalities: Reiki, Reconnective Healing, Quantum Touch, Brain Gym, ARCH (Kaula Practitioner), and Infinite Oneness Master.


When I am not working with clients, I love to travel, dance, and spend time in nature. 

I am honored to assist you on your journey.



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Your True Power Book Barbara is Co-Author

Learn From My Story

International Bestseller

Share in the transformation of 14 women who move through difficult times to find their true power.

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Heart-Based Approach

I have many tools to assist you in your journey

Intuitive Coaching

I will support you to reach your dream life from where you are now. I listen to your innate wisdom while assisting you to take the necessary steps towards what you would love.

I have found that the use of energy healing tools and technologies in addition to the coaching brings about exponential growth. Changing your energy clears any unhelpful thoughts and patterns and anchors in healthy ones.

Energetic Allergy Healing

Allergies are normally defined as physical responses to specific substances, but they are so much more. They are inner resistance showing up as negative reactions in your body. When you are in any state of resistance - emotional, mental, or spiritual - you absorb that resistance into your body which creates allergies and inflammation.

I will assist you to release this resistance and restore harmony by dissolving the deep negative programming, traumas, and emotions. 

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Complementary 30-minute Dream Life Session

My focus is on listening to and supporting you in getting clear on what you would love in your life. Then I can assist you to take steps towards your dreams, and to resolve or release what has been a challenge.

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"What you can do , or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genious, magic, and power in it!


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